Iona Presentation College

Advisory and Governance

The Advisory Council provides oversight on the overall governance of the College, the setting of strategic direction, the review of plans and budgets established by College management and the monitoring of performance against those plans and budgets.

Responsibility for the operation and administration of the school is delegated to the Principal.

The Advisory Council comprises a Chair, and representatives all of whom are persons who have expertise, qualification or experience appropriate to the needs of the College.

The Advisory Council meets seven times a year to discuss strategic issues and to monitor financial and other governance matters. Advisory Council members are also assigned to a working committee according to their particular skills. The current Advisory Council committees are: Risk and Finance, Property and Planning.

Current members of the Iona Presentation College Advisory Council are:

Chair: Ms Victoria Butler (Chair of Finance & Risk Committee)

Deputy Chair: Mr Mark Blayney (Chair of Property & Planning)

College Principal: Ms Robyn Miller 

Presentation Sister: Sr Marion Beard

College Business Manager: Mr Jeff Thorne

IPPA: Ms Vanessa Badaraco

Past Parent: Mr Fred Chaney (Iona Presentation Foundation Director)

Parent Council Chair: Mrs Abbie Durtanovich

IPPA: Ms Natasha Leedman

If you wish to contact the Advisory Council, please address your correspondence, marked 'Confidential' to Chair of the Advisory Council, Iona Presentation College, 33 Palmerston Street, Mosman Park WA 6012.

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